While recently on the road, as we often are, we stopped into a small, prestigious gallery. We went out of our way to see this gallery as it represents many international Art Jewelers whose work we rarely ever get to see in person. We were excited about seeing both the gallery and the work. And, as we were traveling, we were in our everyday street clothes.
Upon entering the gallery, 4 or 5 people were gathered around the desk, one of which said "hello". That was the end of the interaction. We spent 10 or 15 minutes perusing the wares, discussed some of what we saw, and went back to reexamine a few of the works which required a second look (there weren't many which did).
We are not only makers, but also collectors of Art and Art Jewelry. We have been known to reinvest our meager income on others works, if and when we find something we must have. And although we were not in the market for anything at the time, and certainly saw nothing there that we were even remotely interested in, we were snubbed at this Gallery.
I do not expect to be doted on, but when a customer comes through the door, you never know who is serious. So you treat everyone with the same attention and respect that they deserve for crossing your threshold. And granted, we were not dressed in Armani or Prada (and NEVER are), we are people who are collectors of what they peddle. We have come to call this the "Circuit City Principle".
Some years ago, while Circuit City was still in business (karma, perhaps), we went there with cash in hand to purchase a new tape deck (yes, cassettes were still in use then). We were working all day and decided to go and buy the item at Circuit City because we knew they had it in stock. This is the only way we would step into a store like that, knowing exactly what we want when we go. Their tactics were useless and unappreciated.
We were ignored repeatedly by salespeople, bypassed for better dressed folks than ourselves. Granted, we were dressed sloppily, but were patient, thinking that someone would aid us eventually. By the time the fourth or fifth person was helped in lieu of us, we left, cash still in hand.
We are amazed that in this day and age that any brick and mortar store can afford to ignore anyone who takes the time to enter. We can't afford to ignore anyone who would show interest in our work. Everyone is a potential customer. Everyone who takes the time to stop to see what we make, deserves our attention. Everyone is a human. Don't "Circuit City" people, or you may suffer their fate.